What’s New in Color from CIE Division 1

Dr. Ellen Carter

Konica Minolta[one_half]

Ellen is a Color Science Consultant and Editor of the Wiley published journal Color Research and Application. She is also Associate Director for Colour in Division 1 of the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE). In the years after receiving a Ph.D. in Chemistry under Fred Billmeyer in the Rensselaer Color Measurement Laboratory, she worked in industry and education. Among other things she was a Senior Color Scientist for the Sherwin-Williams Company and later Minolta (now Konica Minolta) Corporation. Most recently she has been active in numerous professional organizations involved with color including ASTM International, where she is Vice Chair of E12 on Color and Appearance; the Council on Optical Radiation Measurements (CORM), the Detroit Colour Council (DCC), the Optical Society of America (OSA), the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC), the Society of Sigma Xi, and the U.S. National Committee of the CIE (CIE/USA).[/one_half] [one_half_last]



This presentation will feature two documents from CIE Division that are of current interest: CIE 224:2017 CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index for accurate scientific use, which was published in May of this year, and the revision of CIE 16 Colorimetry. The CIE 224:2017, developed by TC 1-90, is a research report describing a general colour fidelity index, Rf, as a scientifically accurate measure of color fidelity with respect to a reference illuminant. In contrast CIE 16 – Colorimetry is a compendium of the recommendations from the CIE concerning colorimetry from the use of standard colorimetric observers and standard illuminants for color measurement and calculations of colorimetric values and color differences and various other colorimetric practices – all collected in one document. This forthcoming publication will be the 4th Edition of CIE 16, and it will feature several new areas of research that have been advanced since the last edition was published in 2004. These will be the featured items of this talk: Cone-fundamental-based colorimetric observers, CIECAM02 including its Uniform Chromaticity Space and its use for color difference calculations, and the introduction and specification of LED sources.