
The 57th Annual Society of Plastic Engineers Color and Appearance Division RETEC® will be held in Cleveland, OH September 23 – 25, 2019.  Come join us to meet and discuss topics related to plastics coloration.  This year’s theme is Rocking Color In Cleveland. CAD RETEC® is the longest running and largest technical conference in North America devoted to the coloring of plastics.  It started as a technical conference focused on development, manufacturing and research in the field of color science, color measurement, and coloring plastics but has grown to be THE place to network with others in the industry.

[button link=”http://specad.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/CAD-RETEC-Past-Attendees.pdf” size=”large” target=”_blank or _self” icon=”check” color=”blue” lightbox=”true or false”]List Past Attendee Companies[/button]

[button link=”http://specad.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/RETEC-2019-Sponsorship-update6.pdf” size=”large” target=”_blank or _self” color=”green” lightbox=”true or false”]2019 Sponsor List[/button]

PlastiVan_jpgThe SPE PlastiVan will be at CAD RETEC® 2019 on Tuesday September 24, 2019.  Click on the PlastiVan logo for more information about the program.



[list_item icon=”star”]Preconference Color Seminar (separate registration required)[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”star”]Two full days of technical sessions[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”star”]60+ Exhibitors showcasing products and services [/list_item]
[list_item icon=”star”]Opening reception Monday night[/list_item]

[list_item icon=”star”]Excellent Networking opportunities and receptions[/list_item]

[list_item icon=”star”]Register by September 6th, 2019 and save $100[/list_item]

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[box style=”5″]Conference Information

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[accordion-item title=”Program”] Click the program button to access the CAD RETEC® 2019 program. 

[button link=”http://specad.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/RETEC-2019-Registration-Program-update17.pdf” size=”small, medium, large” target=”_blank or _self” icon=”star” color=”white, yellow, orange, red, blue, green, gray, black, alternative-1, alternative-2, alternative-3″ lightbox=”true or false”]Program[/button]

[button link=”http://cadretec2019.conferencespot.org” size=”small, medium, large” target=”_blank or _self” color=”white, yellow, orange, red, blue, green, gray, black, alternative-1, alternative-2, alternative-3″ lightbox=”true or false”]CAD RETEC® 2019 Papers[/button]

[accordion-item title=”Sponsors”]

On behalf of the sponsorship committee, the Color and Appearance (CAD) division Board of Directors and Society of Plastic Engineers we would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You! to all sponsors.  We could not have done it without your support. Each year it is the vision of the CAD Board to teach, inform, promote networking and build our industry group stronger and perpetual.  The support from our sponsors was key to making this event so successful and was highly appreciated by all.

We hope to see you again in Orlando Florida for CAD RETEC® 2020


[accordion-item title=”Exhibitors”]

[button link=”http://specad.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/RETEC-2019-Exhibitors_List12.pdf” size=”medium” target=”_blank or _self” icon=”star” color=”red” lightbox=”false”]Exhibitor List[/button]


[accordion-item title=”Fun Run”]

The CAD RETEC® 2019 Fun Run raised $1,280 for the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity.  CAD RETEC® added the fun run to their event after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005.  With this years earnings, the Color and Appearance Division and CAD RETEC® attendees have raised $37,211.44 to support local Habitat for Humanity chapters.

Join us next year in Orlando, FL for CAD RETEC® 2020.




ANTEC 2019 Postcard

CAD RETEC® Postcard with sponsors

CAD RETEC® 2019 1/2 page AD

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