Message from Conference Chairman
The 53rd Annual Society of Plastics Engineers Color and Appearance Division RETEC® is quickly approaching. This year’s conference will be held in Indianapolis, which a great venue to meet and discuss color. This year’s theme is “Winning with Color”. CAD RETEC® is the world’s largest technical conference in North America that is specifically dedicated to the color and appearance of plastics.
Betty Puckerin, Ampacet
Conference Chair- 2015 SPE CAD RETEC®
Who Attends and Why
CAD RETEC® is the trademarked name of our division’s annual topical conference. The conference is usually scheduled in the fall of each year, and generally takes place over two or three days. Conference locations change from year to year as we try to offer convenient opportunities to attend for the entire SPE CAD membership.
CAD RETEC is our “big” conference each year. We are proud that CAD RETEC is longest running and largest technical conference in North America devoted to the coloring of plastics. Attendance is usually around 400-500 people from all functions of business including technology, manufacturing, sales, and procurement. It started as a technical conference focused on development, manufacturing and research in the field of color science, color measurement, and coloring plastics. In more recent years, efficient networking has been the draw for the crowd.
SPE membership is encouraged but is not required to attend.
CAD RETEC Committee
Chair Betty Puckerin, Ampacet
Co-Chair Scott Heitzman, Sun Chemical
Technical Program Tom Chirayl, BASF
Jack Ladson, Color Science Consultancy
New Technology Forum Sandra Davis, Dupont Titanium Technologies
Panel Discussion Doreen Becker, A. Schulman
Registration Bruce Mulholland, Celanese
Sponsors Scott Aumann, EMD Chemicals
Cheryl Treat, A. Schulman
Exhibits Brian West, Techmer PM
Printing Sharon Ehr, Uniform Color
Publicity Betty Puckerin, Ampacet
Web Site Jeff Drusda, Silberline
Fun Run/Walk Bruce Clatworthy, Dominion Color
Golf Mark Tyler, Celanese
Raffle Tracy Phillips, Uniform Color