Special Events
Sunday, October 4
Pre-Conference Seminar “Coloring of Plastics” , 8:30am-5pm, Location
- Presented by Bruce Mulholland, Celanese and SPE Fellow
- 8:30am-5pm
- Fee: $490 (must pre-register for this event. Extra fee-not included with CADRETEC registration)
- Seminar Details (link to another event window possible?)
- Subject to cancellation if minimum class size not met
Golf Outing, Brickyard Crossing Golf Course, 10:30am
- 4400 West 16th Street, Indianapolis, IL 46222 ph: (317)492-.6417
- 10:30a – Registration at Club
12:00p- Shot Gun Start Format
Golf Outing Flyer (pdf) - Contact: Mark Tyler, Celanese, email: mark.tyler@xxxcelanese.com, (remove xxx before emailing)
Fee – $105/person
includes warm up range balls, green fees, cart fees and box lunch
(Must Pre-register for this event.)
- Transportation is on your own.
- Golf prizes will be awarded at the Welcome Reception.
Welcome Reception at Location, 6pm-8pm
- Sponsored by
- Fee: Included with Registration.
- 2 drink coupons in your registration packet
- Music by Color Eye Blind
- Sponsored by:
Monday, October 5
Panel Discussion – “Color Trends for 2016 and Beyond” , 1:30pm, Technical Program
- Moderator: Doreen Becker, A. Schulman
- Panelists:
- Audience Response Devices will be available to each audience member for responding to poll questions during the panel discussion.
- Fee: included with conference registration
New Technology Forum, 5-6pm,
- Moderator: Sandra Davis
- Contact: Sandra Davis,
- The New Technology Forum is an hour long session where the exhibitors tell you "what's new" in products and services.
- Tentative schedule for NTF to be posted after September 10.
- NTF Schedule (PDF)
- Only tabletop exhibitors are eligible to participate in the New Technology Forum.
- In the event there are more NTF presenters than time allows, presenters will be determined by lottery.
- Fee: included with conference registration
Networking Reception at Location, 6pm-7pm
- Sponsored by
- Fee: Included with Registration.
- 2 drink coupons in your registration packet
- A repeat event due to popularity: a networking reception in the Exhibit area on Tuesday evening. Don\'t miss this opportunity to mingle with the exhibitors and see the latest products for polymer color and appearance. The reception starts immediately following the New Technology Forum.
Tuesday, October 6
Fun Run/Walk Benefiting Habitate for Humanity, 7am in the lobby, Westin Indy
- Start your Tuesday morning off right. Join us for a fun walk/run around downtown Indianapolis. You\'ll be back in time to catch the first paper.
- Sponsored by Dominion Color
- Contact: Bruce Clatworthy, Dominion Color, bclatworthy@xxxdominioncolour.com
- Meet in the lobby at 7am
- Fee: $20 includes a t-shirt (register separately for this event)
- Details (link to another event window possible?)
- Waiver (PDF)- print, sign, and bring with you
- Walk Route will be shorter than Run Route
Awards Luncheon, 12pm
Be sure to join us for the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday as we celebrate participation in SPE CAD. Awards to be given include:
ANTEC 2015 Best Paper Award
CAD RETEC 2014 Best Paper Award
Outgoing CAD Board Member Recognition
CAD RETEC Sponsor Recognition
CAD RETEC 2015 Committee Recognition - Sponsored by
- Fee: included with conference registration)
- See past award receipients
Be sure to join us for the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday as we celebrate participation in SPE CAD. Awards to be given include:
Annual SPE CAD Raffle from Completed Survey Forms, after the last paper
- Your Opinion Counts and it may be rewarded! Be sure to complete this year\'s SPECAD Feedback survey and drop it off at the SPE CAD booth before 12pm on Tuesday.
- Each completed survey will be entered in a drawing for prizes. Drawing for prizes will be after the last paper on Tuesday.
- It pays to stay as you must be present to win!
- Grand Prize:
- Other Prizes include Proceedings Archive DVDs, Free Registration at CAD RETEC 2016, CAD RETEC Limited Edition Framed Lithograph Art , Gift Cards
GOT PRIZES? We are looking for prizes and giveaway donations.
worth at least $25. Your company will be mentioned as the donator when the prize is raffled. - Contact Tracy Phillips (tlphillips@xxxuniformcolor.com) to pledge a prize.