2020 Board of Directors Election for the 2020-2023 Term

[one_fourth]ABOUT THE ELECTIONS[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]CANDIDATE BIOS[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]VOTING INSTRUCTIONS[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]BALLOT[/one_fourth_last]

Board Members Elected for 2020 to 2023 term. Three newly elected members 

Matthew Billiter

Breeze Briggs

Karen Carlson

Jeffrey Drusda

Steve Esker

Daniel M. Martelli

Andrew E. Smith

TJ Stubbs

Tony Tanner

Visit the Candidate Bios page to learn more about the selections of board of directors for the 2020-2023 term.


The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Color and Appearance (CAD) Division of SPE. The Division Board of Directors is composed of 27 elected Directors, the Council Representative (Councilor), and the 5 Division officers, for a total of 33 positions on the board.

SPE CAD is a volunteer organization. Board members are chosen by election.

Members of the Board participate in the planning, organization and running of CAD activities including ANTEC programs, CAD RETEC® programs, Technical Programs, Scholarship Programs & Funding, as well as offering guidance and advice to other SPE members interested in coloring plastic resins.

The Councilor provides the Division members a voice in the government of SPE by representing the SPE CAD Division at SPE Council meetings (minimum 4 meetings per year). 2020 is NOT a Councilor election year.

Each CAD Board Candidate and Councilor serves a three year term, beginning at the close of ANTEC following the election. CAD requires all of its Board Members to actively participate in Board activities including attendance at ANTEC and RETEC and the four planning meetings held annually. This year’s nominees are running for a term beginning in 2020 and ending in 2023.
